Sessions Subcommittee

Chair: Saman Razavi

Duties: This subcommittee (1) proposes, submits, and organizes 3-5 TC-sponsored sessions at each Fall Meeting on behalf of TC, (2) vets session proposals by the AGU community, assigned to the TC for handling, and leads session merger efforts, and (3) provides summary information on TC-related sessions to the TC and promotional materials for social media. The TC-sponsored sessions should be a succession of the successful sessions in the previous years and should clearly relate to the three biggest research questions of hydrologic uncertainty, articulated by the TC in June 2018. The sub-committee should also liaise with other TCs (e.g., with Water and Society TC) and AGU sections for co-sponsoring sessions around uncertainty in particular fields (e.g., decision support under uncertainty). The subcommittee may seek volunteer co-conveners from outside of the TC.

Awards Subcommittee

Chair: Mary C. Hill

Duties: This subcommittee promotes nominations for the AGU Hydrology section awards.

Communications and Social Media Subcommittee

Chair: Xingyuan Chen

Duties: This subcommittee communicates and promotes TC activities and research around hydrologic uncertainty within the AGU community and beyond. The subcommittee maintains the TC website, Twitter account, etc., and actively seeks out innovative opportunities for communication of uncertainty.

Members: Sina Khatami, Kasra Keshavarz